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Franchised dealer / Authorised Repairer - freedom for a franchised dealer and/or an 'authorised repairer' to purchase up to 70% of their purchases of 'original spare parts' and 'matching quality' spares from independent market operators of their choice.
Supplies form parts manufacturers / Suppliers - freedom for parts manufacturers / suppliers to sell their OE-component without restrictions into independent wholesalers or independent repairers.
Branding of original parts - freedom for parts manufacturers / suppliers to brand their 'Original Equipment Parts' with their own logo.
Technical information - an extension of the obligation on vehicle assemblers to pass on technical information to operators in the independent after market.
Keep your warranty with us
Due to changes in European legislation, BLOCK EXEMPTION means that your manufacturers warranty will not be made invalid if you bring your Audi to us for servicing.
DNA Audi in West London will service your Audi in accordance with the manufacturer's specification using GENUINE AUDI parts.

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